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Project Unleash 2008

A platform for 2I students to share english or literature articles such as poems,newspaper articles,short stories,whether self-written or taken from other sources(remember to credit).This blog is also for discussing English class projects such as the upcoming Merchant of Venice play.

UNlimited Literature
limitless source of knowledge


Express And SHare
The Project's history
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 August 2008 September 2008

many thanks



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and by the way, based on what you post on this blog, you will be graded :) Project Unleash,UNlimited Literature,Express And SHare.

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Leaders and Losers 2 {7:22 AM}

Just to give this topic another perspective.

In every age and time,
There are leaders.
Yet even more losers.
That is the way of life.

In every age and time,
There are masterminds.
Yet even more workers.
That is the way things work.

In every age and time,
There are the rich.
Yet even more poor.
That is the way of people.

In every age and time,
There are the popular.
Yet even more neglected.
That is the way social circles are.

In every age and time.
There are those who are better, smarter, stronger,
Yet they are only so,
Due to the existence of those who are lousier, dumber and weaker.

Ken Oung

Project Unleash

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Poem, Poetry, Poet {8:27 AM}

Well, I got another one here...

This just came to my mind when we were doing the poems on "War" and its analysis...

Btw, the previous poem (the one right underneath this post) is also written by me.

Life and Death

In Life,
We face terrible and numerous problems and challenges,
Find danger and peril in every move,
Yet find joy in success and find sadness in failures.
We would meet new people, who come with new troubles,
And soon enough, we find ourselves growing old.

However, when death comes around,
We are afraid of it,
And thus sprint towards the nearest hospitals,
Grab the poor doctors,
Scream and beg them for help.
We may live for a bit longer,
And we may again escape death’s scythe,
But who are we to dodge it forever?

Gil Seob (23) 2I

Project Unleash

Another poem {8:25 AM}

Well, here is just another poem from me...

Um, not to be super-critical, but in reality, i think this portrays clearly what goes on in our lives... (I'm not being specific to anything)

Leaders and Losers

In our history,
Leaders were born,
They started new generations,
Began new things,
And now they are gone, back to where they were born.

In this world,
Lies many talents,
Many people,
Many leaders,
Yet even more failures.

The leaders are overwhelmed,
The losers win the fight,
Great leaders will no longer shine,
As losers lead people into deep abyss.

In the future,
New leaders will be ignored of their existence,
Losers will outshine them
And leaders will soon follow them,
As people are blinded by the darkness controlling them.

Project Unleash

Thursday, May 15, 2008
{6:19 AM}

One poem I spent quite a lot of time (almost two weeks) doing. I hope you'll like it. It's about war (I like stating the obvious cuz it's easy). The Titans and the Olympians is actually a reference to Greek mythology where, due to complicated family problems, the Titans started a war with the Olympians. These two names were used to invoke a sense of ultimate power. And then at the last stanza, the 'badgers' and the 'reptiles' refers to the Titans and the Olympians and how they were actually like the animals in a way that...well, just read and find out, why dontcha.

The smoky, colourless grey dawn
Dazedly comes to consciousness
Like a bar of writhing metallic haze
Dry wind shrieks and scours pass
The shards of parched and shattered earth
Razing the lichens and insects
That infests the ground
Distant thunders rumble
In noxious black clouds
Where lightning-forks taste the arid air
Like tongues of storm-drakes they flicker and play

Glorious had this field been where
The Titans and the Olympians had struggled
For domination, in many years past:
Where flaming bazooka like comets trailed
Streaks of burning fires across the sky
Machine guns yammered and cannons roared
Planes shrieked as they let rockets fly
Humans scream in agony while they die

And then the war moved on,
From one indistinguishable terrain to another
Leaving the battlefield deformed and scarred.

But yet not dead:
Reptiles in their scale armor
Continue waging their eternal war
Against the night-furred badgers
Fighting over scraps of beetles and worms:
Trembling they huddle beneath bare shattered trees
Intent in their inconsequential grievances
Passing each day like crabs trading blows
Living, as they had, and living, as they will
Bickering over nothing, until
Again does a thoughtless hand
Brush them away from the living land


Project Unleash

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A Poem {4:25 AM}

Since it had been quite a while since I'd last done a ryhming poem, I thought I should give it a try.

Welcome to the enchanted glade
Where shadows lurk in darkling shade
Where upon the hue of velvet night
Soars the stars of dreams in flight

Where below the glow of early dawn
Burns the flames of wishes born
And beyond the mountains, upon the world-rim
Dances the auroras of hopes and dreams

Across the endless, lifeless dunes
Where dust-wind howls its mournful tunes
Beneath the billowing sandy plumes
A desert flower tenderly blooms

When in crimson dusk, towards the setting sun
Weary after the day’s work’s finally done
Step into my dreamscape deep
To rest in your eternal sleep



Project Unleash

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Stolen Child {4:47 AM}

Yes. I know this won't be counted. And I know I'm probably wasting my time. But I reallydo like this poem, and, since I've really got nothing else better to do (yes, SiYu, I think dragonfable's lame too) I'll post it up anyway.

Stolen Child by William Butler Yeats
WHERE dips the rocky highland
Of Sleuth Wood in the lake,
There lies a leafy island
Where flapping herons wake
The drowsy water rats;
There we've hid our faery vats,
Full of berrys
And of reddest stolen cherries.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
Where the wave of moonlight glosses
The dim gray sands with light,
Far off by furthest Rosses
We foot it all the night,
Weaving olden dances
Mingling hands and mingling glances
Till the moon has taken flight;
To and fro we leap
And chase the frothy bubbles,
While the world is full of troubles
And anxious in its sleep.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
Where the wandering water gushes
From the hills above Glen-Car,
In pools among the rushes
That scare could bathe a star,
We seek for slumbering trout
And whispering in their ears
Give them unquiet dreams;
Leaning softly out
From ferns that drop their tears
Over the young streams.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
Away with us he's going,
The solemn-eyed:
He'll hear no more the lowing
Of the calves on the warm hillside
Or the kettle on the hob
Sing peace into his breast,
Or see the brown mice bob
Round and round the oatmeal chest.
For he comes, the human child,
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than he can understand


Project Unleash

Friday, May 9, 2008
War {6:03 AM}

This is the poem my group and I came up with during the English lessons.

The War

The war rages on
Sowing destruction and mayhem
Death and pandemonium
Burning, without mercy,
The suffering people

The war rages on
Its seeds leech the fertile earth
Of people’s hatred
And then, at one sudden hour,
It blooms, resplendent in its terrible beauty

The war rages on
Everyone is dragged into its swirling maelstrom
The devils heartlessly beat their drums
Summoning children
To die in their battlefields

The war rages on
When can it end?
When will we have peace on earth?
How many deaths must it take
To appease that gods of destruction?

The war rages on
The tears and spilt blood irrigate the earth
The stench of death dominates the air
Continuous and everlasting
Over a land forever dead

'The War' Poem Analysis:

Emphasis is put on each stanza the recurring the message of ‘war’, which lets the audience experience an inveterate sense of ominous chaos at the start of every stanza. The word ‘sowing’ used in the second line is a wordplay on the phrase ‘sowing crops’, but, instead of crops, in this case, war sows ‘destruction’ and ‘mayhem’ and waits for these seeds to grow. War ‘burns’ not only the people ‘mercilessly’ and also resources, to give an impression that war is waste.

The second stanza described war as ‘leeching’. War leeches on the people’s ‘hatred’, which is a ‘fertile earth’. This is to show how politicians manipulate the people’s emotions to their own ends. The ‘crops’ sown by the war ‘blooms’ in one sudden hour – everything, even war, has its own unique style of exquisiteness, but the beauty of war is terrible

‘Devils summoning’ is a description of evil politicians conscripting ‘children’, a symbol of innocence, to die in ‘their’ battlefield. The word ‘their’ puts emphasis on how the war is not of ordinary people’s choosing, but rather, is the result of a selfish group of individuals. ‘Devils summoning’ is yet another wordplay; normally, it is magicians that summon devils to work for them. Now the devils are summoning the people as a payback.

The phrase ‘How many deaths must it take' is actually a quote from the song ‘The answer is blowing in the wind’. The gods of destruction refers to those who perpetrated the war and profits from it – politicians, warmongers and arms sellers come to mind.

In the last stanza, ‘tears and ‘blood’, the fruits of tragedy, ‘irrigates the earth’. One final ironic wordplay: in lakeside areas, irrigation is a long-waited for period which brings fertility for the crops. Strong words like ‘dominate’, ‘continuous’ and ‘everlasting’ is used to show the dire, serious and most of all instill upon the reader a permanent sense of the consequences of war. ‘A land forever dead’ both represents the literal land (wars calls for much scorch-earth tactics) and also the lives and hopes of the people living there that were shattered by war.

Group Members

Lionel Goh
Ng Jie Hui
Roy Soon
Song Gil Seob
Wang YiHua


Project Unleash

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A Poem {5:06 AM}

Some are born bored, some achieve boredom, and some have boredom thrust upon them. Such is the case when I find myself lying on my bed, waiting for my fever to return. So - what to do, what to do? In my case, write a poem! But since I'm so bedridden, how can I possibly find inspiration for a poem? That's easy - I don't have to.

The following poem is and ode to a scene I witnessed one recess.

Dash of the Sec 2 Cohort

Half a square, half a square
Half a square forward
All in the canteen at Recess
Dashed the two hundred
“Forward, the Sec 2 cohort
Charge for the stalls!” he roared
All in the canteen at Recess
Dashed the two hundred

“Forward the Sec 2 cohort!”
Was there a student bored?
Not though the students knew
Long queues awaited
Theirs not to make reply
Theirs not to question why
Theirs but to queue and buy
Into the canteen at Recess
Dashed the two hundred

Rain to the right of them
Rain to the left of them
Rain in front of them
Showered and splattered
Sprayed at with watery mud
Boldly they out-dashed the flood
Into the canteen’s jaws
Into the Café’s yard
Dashed the two hundred

Flashed all their wallets bare
Flashed as their coins tossed in air
Paying the stall-holders there
Charging a cohort, while
All the school wondered
Plunged into cooking-grease
Right thro’ the line they breezed
Students and teachers
Reeled as though struck by disease
Shuddered and stuttered
Then they queued back, but not
Not the two hundred

Rain to the right of them
Rain to the left of them
Rain behind them
Showered and splattered
Sprayed at with watery mud
They that had dashed so hard
Came thro’ the canteen’s jaws
Back from the Café’s yard
Gourmet two hundred

When will they be civilized, then?
O the wild dash they went!
All the school wondered
Ponder the dash they went
Ponder the Sec 2 band
Peculiar two hundred

And, before you ask: Yes, I am that bored.



Project Unleash