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Project Unleash 2008

A platform for 2I students to share english or literature articles such as poems,newspaper articles,short stories,whether self-written or taken from other sources(remember to credit).This blog is also for discussing English class projects such as the upcoming Merchant of Venice play.

UNlimited Literature
limitless source of knowledge


Express And SHare
The Project's history
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 August 2008 September 2008

many thanks



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and by the way, based on what you post on this blog, you will be graded :) Project Unleash,UNlimited Literature,Express And SHare.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Boo Radleys {9:15 PM}

The Boo Radleys were a 90s British band named after, well, Boo Radley! :) Their big hit was a song called "Wake Up, Boo!"

Looking at the lyrics, would you say the song is also about TKAM's Boo Radley? - I don't think it is ... but there are just some elements in the song which make me think about the character for some reason (besides the obvious fact that it has the word "Boo" in the title and lyrics!)

Wake up, Boo!

Summer's gone, day's spent with the grass and sun,
I dont mind, to pretend I do seems really dumb.
I rise as the morning comes, crawling through the blinds,
I shouldn't be up at this time, but I canit sleep with you there by my side.

Wake up, it's a beautiful morning,
Feel the sun shining for your eyes.
Wake up, it's so beautiful,
For what could be the very last time.

Twenty five, don't recall a time I felt this alive,
So wake up, Boo, there're so many things for us to do.
It's early so take your time, don't let me rush you please,
I know I was up all night, I can do anything, anything, anything.

Wake up, it's a beautiful morning,
Feel the sun shining for your eyes.
Wake up, it's so beautiful,
For what could be the very last time.

Wake up (x8)

But you can’t blame me
Not for the death of summer
No, you can’t blame me
Not for the death of summer
But you’re gonna say what you wanna say
You have to put the death in everything

Wake up, it's a beautiful morning,
Feel the sun shining for your eyes.
Wake up, it's so beautiful,
For what could be the very last time.

Wake up, it's a beautiful morning,
Feel the sun shining for your eyes.
Wake up, it's so beautiful,
For what could be the very last time.


Project Unleash

Friday, April 11, 2008
One Fine Day {5:58 AM}

A little something I wrote.
p/s Elton. Wat poems??!!

One Fine Day

It was a bright and sunny day. The unblemished Sun peeked through the cotton-fluffy clouds in rays of brilliant golden hues, while the vast azure sky spread across the emerald fields like a benevolent guardian deity. Trees smooth of bark and rich of leaves bloomed tender white flowers, drawing doves the colour of snow to make themselves home upon the branches and sing sweet songs, paying the highest of tributes to the bounty and beauty of Nature.

In short, the day was so happy-happy perfect, it was enough to drive anyone insane.

But then again, I always thought that sanity was for the weak.

I was walking in the park with a girl named Aria. We were doing research for a project, which was something about the friendliness and camaraderie of the locals. It was a Community Get-Together Movement that for some unfathomable reasons parents wanted their children to join. So that was why I was walking about in the park when I could be reading, or playing computer games.

Aria was a girl with the face to launch a thousand ships, it being the approximate size and shape of a French champagne bottle. She was as slender as a twig and has immensely attractive hair. Attractive to earthworms, that is, since it bore the fetching colour of mud.

Enough descriptions already. Time to move on with the story.

In order to immerse ourselves deeper and thus understand to a more profound level the friendliness of the locals, we decided to join in with the proletariats, um, I mean, the Citizens of the Community, bathing in the sunshine. Aria went off in a game of soccer with a group of children about my age whom I did not know, and cared even less, while I sat under a towering tree to meditate. The cheerful, idyllic atmosphere created an ideal environment to harness my karma to its fullest extent, and I did so gladly. Within no time I surrendered to the pulling forces of my self-energy, and fell blissfully into my inner peace.

Aria suddenly and rudely shook me out of my meditation. ‘Wake up,’ she told me. ‘You’re drooling.’ Well. Inner peace, quick nap. What’s the difference?

As Aria was thirsty after her game of soccer, we decided to head to the nearby café, which was, unfortunately, quite a long way away from the park. So we took a short cut instead. Yes, a short cut, through – you guessed it – an old, abandoned alleyway, one of the last that survived the Community’s slum clearance measures. It was a relic from the past, mostly untouched, so that people can gawk at how backward things used to be, and how good things now are.

As it was not a dark and stormy night, and lightning didn’t flash as thunder didn’t roar, we felt moderately secure. So we strolled casually through the alleyway, which was decorated cheerfully with dust and cobwebs. Despite its eye-catching décor, the alleyway was still bustling with activity: various tribes of mold and fungus battled keenly for the walls while senates of rats held discussion in their forums. Occasionally, a rat would be tossed off their version of the Tarpeian Rock (it was a drain pipe) and its body would then be carried off by a legion of ants using tiny, rolling toothpicks. I had the sudden feeling that I was walking into an entirely different world, one that was not human, but was nevertheless as multifaceted and intricate as our own.

Just when I was thinking such deep and weighty thoughts, I suddenly had the unexpected feeling that I was being watched. Evidently, Aria must have felt it too, because when I quickened my footsteps, she followed me without asking. But however fast I walked, the malevolent feel of watching eyes behind my back grew stronger, not weaker, with every step.

Without warning I felt a cold, sharp thing pressed against my nape. I started, and saw Aria turn, look at me, her eyes widening with shock. Suddenly a frightening thought dawned upon me.

‘Don’t tell me,’ I thought with uncomprehending horror, ‘don’t tell me that this is another one of those cheesy, mass produced and clichéd piece of rubbish wherein I would be ambushed by a vile robber, fought against the villain bravely and finally triumphing against all odds? Oh no, this is too awful to contemplate!’

Sure enough, the vile robber started talking.

‘Drop…drop all your va…valuables.’ Here, after this long and complex speech, the voice broke into a respite of uncontrollable coughing. ‘If your friend…runs, you die.’ I almost pitied the poor sod, hearing that terrible wheezing.

However, in spite of the villain’s awe-inspiring respiratory system, there was still an inconvenient piece of metal pressed against my throat that I had to consider.

I’d very much liked to say that, at this point of the story’s climax, what followed after the speech was pregnant with suspense. In fact, I would love to say that I was battling with my conscience, and, finally, without the slightest regard for personal safety, leaping valiantly at the robber in my selfless desire to protect Aria. I’d absolutely loved to say that.

I dropped my wallet, handphone and pointed to Aria. ‘She’s the rich one,’ I told my unseen acquaintance. ‘Thirty-first Maple Street, condominium. Big and very nice; you can’t miss it.’

‘My knight in shining armor,’ Aria muttered sourly.

‘Pardon? What did you say just now? I didn’t hear,’ I replied, listening to the faint sound of scrabbling as the unknown person picked up my belongings.

The sound of scrabbling stopped. The cold metal was lifted off my neck. I heard footsteps shuffling from me towards Aria.

‘Drop…drop all your va…valuables.’ The voice repeated, this time to Aria. ‘If your friend…’

Before the robber could finish the speech, I took off immediately, running as fast as I could. Behind me I heard a thump, a shout, and then the sound of a body falling onto the wet pavement. I ran on faster.

After that I heard a shout: ‘Oi, Mr Valiant, it’s okay now! The bandit’s down!’

I turned back and, to my disbelief, I saw Aria standing triumphant over the robber. The robber was knocked out cold before she could utilize her weapon, as a result to Aria’s fortunate skill in martial arts. But as I looked at the robber that Aria took out, I felt my delight slipping away. Our vile villain was no more than an old woman, rheumy of eyes and stick thin, pathetically scrawny in the torn rags that she wore for clothes. One of her hand clutched a tin opener while the other held my belongings in what I strongly suspected to be a begging bowl.

Later, after she was carted off to jail, I found out that she had originally come from a lower-middle class family. Her son, grown from dubious education without even graduating from secondary school, got addicted to drugs, and then, when he was caught by the authorities, was sentenced to life in prison. Harsh, but there you go; it’s all for the greater good.

Too old for jobs when the tragedy happened, the old woman took to begging in the streets, and when even that was prohibited, she had to resort to violent robbery as the only way to survive. As far as I had heard, this was her first and most probably last time.

These we compiled together as our project, but after we sent it to the Community Panel for a Project Overall Review, our hard work was barred from entering the competition on the grounds of ‘incongruous information.’

Humph. I know there should be a moral hidden in here, somewhere, but for the life of me I just can’t figure out what it was.

Project Unleash

Thursday, April 10, 2008
{5:41 AM}

Sorry, forgot to post it, 

Project Unleash

Poem {5:36 AM}

Eton here. These are some poems i wrote last year, hope that you find them good:

Project Unleash

Where is the love? {4:31 AM}

Hi guys, this is Zhi Yuan here. I went to search up for the lyrics of the song "Where is the love", by Black Eyed Peas , which we heard in class today.

Where is the love
What's wrong with the world mama?
People living like aint got no mamas
I think the whole worlds addicted to the drama
Only attracted to the things that bring you trauma
Overseas yeah we tryin to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin
In the USA the big CIA the Bloodz and the Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And if you hatin you're bound to get irate
Yeah madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
You gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all

People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father Father Father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the love2x)

It just ain't the same all ways have changed
New days are strange is the world the insane?
If love and peace so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations dropping bombs
Chemical gases filling lungs of little ones
With ongoing suffering
As the youth die young
So ask yourself is the loving really strong?
So I can ask myself really what is going wrong
With this world that we living in
People keep on giving in
Makin wrong decisions
Only visions of them livin and
Not respecting each other
Deny thy brother
The wars' going on but the reasons' undercover
The truth is kept secret
Swept under the rug
If you never know truth
Then you never know love
Where's the love y'all?(I don't know)
Where's the truth y'all?(I don't know)
Where's the love y'all?

People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father father father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the lovex2)

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm getting older y'all people get colder
Most of us only care about money makin
Selfishness got us followin the wrong direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting their young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what the see in the cinema
Whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness and equality
Instead of spreading love, we're spreading anomosity
Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling down
It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feeling under
I gotta keep my faith alive, until love is found
People killing people dying

Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father Father Father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(fade)

I personally feel that this poem ties in well with the topic of discrimination which we are currently discussing, while going through the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. I posted the lyrics here because I felt that the song itself can actually count as a poem. The lyrics are quite catchy and there are many rhyming words at the end of each line. It's really a good song. Here's the video.

You can read the comments posted by other viewers too. Some interesting comments made:

You guys always talk about the other half or "the other countries" and its trues that they need help but you all seems to forget the people in you own yard who need help. Even in United-States or Canada it is full of poor people who need help. We need to help every body who need it but not only the one far away. Helping people close to you is even better(according to me) because you really see what it make and it encourage you to help even more. Love is the key

Everbody, who listened to this song, must change his/hers life! It's hart to see the childs in Africa or in other countries. There parents dont have any money and the childs have to prostitute theirself. PLEASE HELP THEM!

truely people, where is the love? i remember the days when people cared for others even when they knew there would be no reward, i know that there are still some great people out there who help without expecting anything in return, but we need to help the other half of the world to get on this train of thought. Love is all you need.

i really wonder:where is the love?
people use to live life respecting and loving others, not raping,abusing,hating and blaming others for their own problems or flaws, what happened? can we not live life without being judged or put down for speaking up? i remember one thing i saw that said "guns dont kill people, people do"

C'mon people lets stop hating eachother,and just respect one another

Hope you enjoyed the song (:
Zhi Yuan

Project Unleash

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Here is something from last year {8:33 AM}

Not that good, but never mind...
here is something that I wrote last year....

Song Gil Seob

The Adventures of Goldencchino
There once was a rich, old man living alone in a small house. He always did not know what he wanted to do with so much money, but one day, he found a piece of gold in the market. It appealed to him so much that he wanted to give everything he had to buy it.
After buying the gold from the shopkeeper, he dashed home with the gold and in his mind, there was one word: marionette. He knew that it was pretty crazy to try to do so, but he wanted to try something new!
“I shall be the first one to do this!” and as he said this, he thrust the piece of gold into the fire and started to form it into a marionette. There and then, he made Goldencchino. However, the marionette became a trouble of the old man as Goldencchino did not even bother to study. After a while, he ran away with two stolen golden pieces from his father.
As he walked around he found an orchestra playing inside a tent. He decided to visit it using the money he had and he found himself absorbed in the beautiful music being played by the orchestra. Then suddenly, some people held him tightly from the back and tied him up and started to drag him after seeing his golden body. “Help, Help!” cried Goldencchino. When they were on the verge of the attack, an eagle and an owl swooshed down on them and saved his life.
When he woke up after fainting, he found out that he was lying on a bed, accompanied by a blue fairy, the owl and the eagle. “Where am I?” demanded Goldencchino. “You are safe, so do not worry,” responded the fairy, “We are the ones that brought you here from the kidnappers. Here, drink this. You will feel much better.” Exhausted, Goldencchino gulped it all up quickly. Afterwards, the fairy warned him not to do wrong or lie. However, without knowing what she meant, he decided to try it out. Unfortunately, his nose started to grow longer whenever he lied. Seeing this, the fairy laughed but soon ordered woodpeckers to cut it back to normal.
Then, she gave instruction on where he needs to go to find his father and after listening carefully, he headed towards the place. After walking for a long time, he saw an old man, his old man sitting on the edge of a cliff. Then suddenly, a huge wave came and washed him away into the ocean. Instinctively, he dived into the ocean to save his father. However, as his body was made out of gold, he was sinking while being carried away by the waves. When he was about to drown, he soon bumped into something hard and became unconscious.
After he woke up, he found himself on the back of his father, who was slowly and cautiously moving out from what seemed like a tunnel. Realizing that Goldencchino woke up, he quietly whispered, “We are in a mouth of a whale. I am trying to escape when its mouth is opened.”
After walking through the whale, they soon reached the end. Then, a blue fish rose up and waited for them to get on it. Unhesitatingly, they got on and the fish began to swim towards the land. When they reached land and bid farewell to the fish, Goldencchino realized who the fish was. He knew that the fairy had saved him yet again like before and thanked her for such doings. With that in mind, the father and the son went back to live happily ever after.

Song Gil Seob (23)
Adopted from the book, The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi; Courage Books (2003)

Project Unleash

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Fall of the Morning Star {3:39 AM}

Hmmm...If the teacher is a 'sir'...then that means he has never seen me before, nor knew that I existed! And this would mean that I can shamelessly reuse my last year's poetry! Oh frabjous day! Callooh callay! Oh dear, was that out loud?

Born lustrous and pure, Bringer of Light
Archangel in the Kingdom of Sky
With heart pure and wings bright
He was the Anointed Cherub of High

His body was of agate and gold
Fair harps and flutes did his hands hold
Named Son of Dawn and Morning Star
His light could be beheld from afar

Sweet blows his flute and clear plays his harp
Bright was his armor, and his spear was sharp
Fair was his face, handsome and fey
Blazing out of dawn he brought about day

But by his pride and curiousity
A thought did come to his mind, to be
Free from servitude, independent from God
And in so thinking he brought the wrath of the Lord

And as He made him, now He bade him
To be cast from Heaven, exiled Cherubim
Lucifer and his allies, were overwhlelmed by His host
There one third of Heaven had Paradise lost

But Lucifer shouted, at the head of his brethen
"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven!"
And thus, according to the forbidden Lore
Did the glorious Morning Star fall


Project Unleash

Friday, April 4, 2008
{9:12 AM}

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines ,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

–William Shakespeare

Above is the original version of Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare.Below is our parody version of it, Sonnet 18 (cube). Its supposed to be 3 different conversations between 3 different couples. This was our performing piece for YAWP 2008, organised by Hwa Chong Institution (college section). YAWP stands for Young Adult Writers Perform and is a platform for students around Singapore to showcase their talents in performing poetries. Our group won 2nd prize ($200) overall out of the 6 finalists. There were 2 soloists, 1 Hwa Chong JC1 group, 2 RI groups and 1 Xin Ming group. Considering that this was an under-21 competition and that we were only 14,the youngest of the finalists, a 2nd is already sufficient for us :) There was actually another sec4 group who participated, but didn't get into the finals. The sec 3 group which got in,Gregory's group, didn't win anything for the finals,sadly. We were hoping we could just sweep home the 1st and 2nd prize.haha. Their performance was honestly good, not very sure why they did not win. In case you're wondering, the Hwa Chong JC1 group won the 1st prize and the Original poem prize,which totalled up to $500 to be shared among 5 people,so you can already work out the amount they have each.Thanks to the people who came down to support us, Benedict, Mrs Suhaimy, Mr Yap and Ms Koh :)

(For this poem, the first paragraph of each section is the male voice,while the second paragraph of each section is the female voice.Enjoy :) )

You're more hot and scorching
than the engines of F1
Even Fann Wong
is no match for you
The eye of heaven
shines ever so bright,
Trying so hard to defeat
your golden complexion
However hard it tries
your summer shall not fade,
For you
glow with burning desire.

Shall I compare thee
to Edison Chen?
Thou art more flirtatious
and far less decent.
Rough winds have spread
your stories of love,
But bear this in mind
you’re getting on my nerves.
Sometimes thy roving eye
lands on mine
But never a pig
had such stench as thine.

Shall I compare
you to an iPod touch
You're way finer
than the holidays in March
You know my iPod
rocks off my socks
But you're on my mind
around the clock

Shall I compare thee
to Paris and Britney.
You’re no different,
except Paris has more money.
Even though you do wear undergarments when shopping,
I still find your lack of discipline
extremely appalling.
You’re as funky
as a lava lamp
I need your love
like blood to a vamp
I’ll be your Beckham
if you’ll be my spice
If you add me on facebook,
I’ll kiss you twice.

Thy disgusting image
shall not fade;
O’ I should love to hit thee
with a spade.
So long as I can breathe,
my eyes can see,
And I can run
I'll stay away from thee...

Tay Zhi Yuan
YAWP team rafflesUNLEASH (<=== sounds familiar? :) )

Project Unleash