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Project Unleash 2008

A platform for 2I students to share english or literature articles such as poems,newspaper articles,short stories,whether self-written or taken from other sources(remember to credit).This blog is also for discussing English class projects such as the upcoming Merchant of Venice play.

UNlimited Literature
limitless source of knowledge


Express And SHare
The Project's history
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 August 2008 September 2008

many thanks



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1.No spamming of comments or the tagboard is allowed.
2.Post your comments on the articles in the comments section below the post.

Anybody found to be violating any of the above rules will be removed from the blog or banned from posting.
and by the way, based on what you post on this blog, you will be graded :) Project Unleash,UNlimited Literature,Express And SHare.

Monday, March 31, 2008
An Afternoon in the Park {6:08 AM}

One day I was emoing (okay lah, everyone does that somtimes). Then I wrote a poem.
I emailed a draft version of the poem to Mrs. Suhaimy, and she replied and editted it. At her request, I am posting *gulp* the poem. The poem title says it all, really.

Poem: An Evening in the Park

It is an afternoon in the park
When the soft golden glow of the Sun
Drenches the trees’ languid limbs
When the sweet cool evening breeze
Gently sifts through one’s hair
When before one’s eyes
Again plays the faded years
Of a previous life
When old men amble past each other
Lost in their reveries of long-forgotten times
When young couples stroll,
Unspeaking, hand in hand
Watching in silence the beauty
Of the Sun’s glorious death
Awaiting the violet tendrils of night
To reclaim the tear-soaked blood red sky
And come night, all will try
To find, in the inky black cosmos
Hidden amid the shining stars
Wisdom from the twilight of death
For guidance through their years of life
To find comfort not to weep
Over those lost-forever fields
To seek, instead, the unconquerable will
And the courage never to submit
Or yield.

Wang YiHua 28 (Surprise. Who would have thought?)


Project Unleash

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Edgar Linton {9:30 PM}

A poem I wrote many years ago from the perspective of Edgar Linton from Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights"

i know that even now
you are with him
that you hold in your hand
and not mine

we are beneath the earth
- the three of us
where no wind blows to unsettle ash
but still your every dust
mingles with his
and not mine

you reached out with your hand
and closed it around his

together you are the wings
of a common bird
and you bring it to flight
to soar it across the sky

one pair of hands
that holds the whole wide world

i can only look
to where you are free
and be heavy with the knowledge
that i can never join you

soft white angel wings on my back -
i lift one foot ( first the left )
and then the next ( then the right )
but, oh ! -
they are too fragile to fly

i cannot touch the sky
it is beyond my reach

but, my love
my ashes are the nest
upon which when you are weary
you may rest


Project Unleash

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Prose {7:39 AM}

Today, I attended the very meaningful, deeply profound Raffles Institution Community Day. Let me sum up my intense feelings of it with a humble work of prose:

…Um…Err…It was awfully boring.

Ah. That doesn’t sound very impressive. This means that I would have to stand upon the giant shoulder of Master William Shakespeare in order to truly express my feelings, in, let’s see…Title: How shall I compare thee to a Runescape day.

The moment a new player joins in RuneCommunityDayScape, he is immediately teleported to the Tutorial Island (the first step you took in the RI compound). Progress in Tutorial Island is only made by the player walking around aimlessly for no apparent reason (which is mostly what’s going to happen for the better part of the game). When the player feels that he had leveled up enough in the skill of walking, he enters assembly area. Walking into the assembly area is like entering Lumbridge Castle of RuneScape in World 29 i.e. the place is freaking overcrowded with endless multitudes of similar players all wasting their time. The noise level of the area is so high, unless your brain could simultaneously address and handle ten conversations at once, you would slowly discover that talking to a friend is no different than conversing with your own self.

Death rates in RuneCommunityDayScape are high. Even though PKing (player killing) is removed from its mechanics due to interests of insurance benefits, players are still subjugated under high risk and strain. The only possible way to die in RuneCommunityDayScape is to be killed by Boredom, a monster which, like a sepulchral knight in RuneScape wilderness, suddenly springs out of nowhere and savagely kills players left and right, and, before the players recovered enough to amass a counterattack, would disappear into nowhere again.

The only weapon powerful enough to defeat the mighty Boredom is something called a Girl, but since years of searching by players yielded no findings of such a weapon, most players ranked its possibility of existence between the Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster.

So the most effective way to defend oneself against Boredom is an antiboredom shield, normally a book/gameboy/psp/whatever your interests, which provides you with good defense against the worse attacks of Boredom. But as other players slowly become more and more paranoid, fearing themselves to be the next victim of Boredom, antiboredom shields are widely subjected to looting. In the eye-witness account of one player: “A pro player came in to the assembly area with three storybooks, a gamboy advance and a camera. He was then surrounded, tackled and raided by the many noobs around him. When the mob receded, the player was left with nothing. Even his clothes are taken. Then he was banned for life from entering the assembly area due to reasons of indecency.”

Players wear the RI Community Day shirts as their starting armor. The best armor a player could hope to attain is the Raffles Institution School Uniform, which unlocks for you the god-mode and immunizes you against any strenuous task your CCA teacher might devise.
At approximately eight a.m. players converged into the school hall like voluntary sardines swimming into cans. The flat, monotonous voice the speaker used to lull players into hypnosis is not, as some might have concluded, a work of a very boring person. It is, instead, an ancient forgotten summoning clause, which calls forth the more powerful minions from the domains of Greater Bores. Indeed, such minions suck out the soul-energy of players, leaving them glaze-eyed and drooling, as the ceremony proceeds.

When at last the assembly ended, players stirred themselves up like communist troops after the siege of Stalingrad. They milled about like sheep, shepherded by their respective CCA teachers into ominously rumbling buses. My particular CCA (NPCC, in case you didn’t know, which would not surprise me at all) organized a trip to East Coast Park. The trip there was eerily similar to RuneScape’s ‘Ernest the Chicken’ quest, which requires you to gather spare machine parts for a weird professor in a haunted house. However, framed in the backdrop of blue skies, softly swaying palm trees and a couple smooching, the East Coast Park is scarier than any haunted house you can come across.

We were split up in groups and ordered to go litter-hunting. We picked up rubbish, sand, empty cans, sand, cigarette butts, sand, plastic bags and did I mention, sand? After the mission was accomplished, the plastic bags were confiscated and taken to Saradomin knows where. Although many agree that the plastic bags would eventually be cruelly and heartlessly destroyed, some still retain the romantic notion that the rubbish in the plastic bags would be dumped back on the beach, to be picked up by another NPCC cadet one day in the future.

After rubbish picking, we of the NPCC decided to revive the spirit of Mao ZeDong’s communism. Armed with only a basketball, we embarked on a Long March in search of a fabled basketball court. Like Mao, we espoused a policy, known as:

The enemy retreats, we advance
The enemy camps, we advance
The enemy tires, we advance
The enemy advances, we also advance, what the hell.

However, unlike Mao, we did not manage to reach our target, create a base and liberate the country from capitalists and top hats. In fact, about two kilometer into the journey, someone passed the word that there was no basketball court in front, fabled or otherwise. We then turned around and went back to camp, where we were robbed by the legions of highwaymen and -women who sold us half a fried potato, twin slices of cement with fat in between, and sugared water, for seven dollars and twenty cents.

Then we went back to Raffles Institution, dear alma mater.

RuneCommunityDayScape is different from it brethrens in a way that it allows, no, it forces the players to go back into the Tutorial Islands after they finished with the gameplay, when they would unlearn their walking skills, which would not be needed until the next year of RuneCommunityDayScape.


Project Unleash

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Very Very Short Story {4:41 AM}

The young boy crept silently across the corridor stealthily. Quickly yet silently, he went down the long flight of steps and passed the rooms without hesitation. The map of the entire house was imprinted in his memory and he knew that his target was not far away. Soon, the target was in sight. It was going to be a challenge though. There were many obstacles between him and his target. He grimaced, then without a second thought, he leapt across the obstacles with amazing agility and made close to no sound at all. Finally, he reached his target. A grin spread across his face.
His happiness was short-lived. A seemingly evil cackle was heard behind him. The young boy froze, terror holding his feet in place, making him unable to move. He knew only too well who was behind him. Slowly, he turned around and let out a weak cry, “Mum…I wasn’t trying to get the cookies, not really…” He was in the kitchen, almost having succeeded in acquiring the delicious chocolate chip cookies after passing through the deadly minefield of toys he had forgotten to keep…

Ken Oung Yong Quan (9)

Project Unleash

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Life {6:18 AM}

Here's the ultimate tribute to Ms. Julie Sloan, who could write poems better than me at fourteen when she was ten.
Life is silly
Like a maggot
The pointless squawk
Of a parrot
Sifting the blame
To anyone you name
Life is dull grey
Saying hello
In a work office that
Bores the sky
Life means grave
Life means old
It's dulling wits
And getting sold
Life is a fat hip
Life is a flash
A bloodstained stripe
From Caesar’s sash
Life is a weekend
That never comes
Life is the commoners
Huddling in slums
And in the fall, when the leaves are turning
Life is the smell
Of your funeral burning

Wang YiHua 28 (who else is so shameless?)


Project Unleash

Saturday, March 1, 2008
Funny poem {4:52 AM}

Well, I found this poem in an old Foxtrot comic book, its from a husband to his wife on Valentine's day... Note: it is NOT really anything about love.

Dear fatso...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue;
If something smells bad,
It's gotta be you.

Roses are red,
Emeralds green;
You must weigh more
Than a washing machine.

Roses are red,
Tomatoes are too;
If I had one now,
I'd throw it at you.

Roses are red,
Like a big fiery comet;
Your face would make
Even Godzilla vomit.

Roses are red,
Daffodils gold;
You might look better
If you scraped off that mold.

Roses are red,
Looming huge to the ant,
I wish you would drown
In a waste treatment plant.

Your kisses sweet,
Like angel's song-

Well, that's all. You might be thinking why the end is so abrupt, well, that's because the wife hit the husband before she even finished reading the poem.
Hope you enjoyed it~!

Gabriel Lim (6)

Project Unleash